Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Message from People for Puget Sound

I hope everyone is staying warm and cozy, and enjoying the brilliant white of the snow and blue of the Sound.

I am writing to remind you that we only have 15 days to raise our goal of $200,000 to receive a matching gift of an additional $100,000. This will not be a windfall. This is an amount of money that will help us meet a bare-bones budget as we deal with a very difficult economic situation.

This is also crucial time for the Sound. As we wage battles such as the fight to protect Maury Island's whale and salmon habitat, we are also - finally - at a point when the state has adopted a new action agenda for the Sound.

We will be there in the legislature to make sure that the Sound isn't forgotten amidst all of the state's important issues. Seven of our resident orcas died this past year, suffering from insufficient salmon to eat and excessive toxic pollution in their bodies. We - and they - don't have a lot of time left. We’ve raised $101,007 as of December 15th (track our progress at pugetsound.org). You can help us close the gap by donating today.

Every dollar helps - if every member of this cause donated just $5 that would raise an additional $1205 to help Save Our Sound. I know I can count on you, friends. Donating on facebook is 100% secure through Network For Good.

If you prefer to give directly just go to pugetsound.org/donate or call me at the office: 206.382.7007

Thank you VERY much.

Troy Coleman

Creative Director People For Puget Sound
911 Western Avenue, Suite 580 Seattle, WA 98104
View Announcement

Thanks,The Causes Team

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