Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dan Pike's Hatch Act Complaint Timeline

I put together the enclosed timeline based on an interview I had with the individual who filed a Hatch Act Complaint against Mayor Dan Pike.

The complainant has allowed me to review correspondence from the U.S. Office of Special Counsel Hatch Act Division Attorney confirming that a complaint was filed and that an official investigation has been opened to investigate several allegations against Dan Pike during the 2007 Mayor's campaign.

One of the e-mail is posted below to confirm that the investigation is taking place. It is my understanding that Tim Johnson, editor of the Cascadia Weekly has also reviewed some of the documents. Despite Sam Taylor's claims, Tim Johnson is a professional journalist who does his research.

Hatch Act Timeline

March 2008 -- A Hatch Act Complaint is officially filed with U.S. Office of Special Counsel.

April 2008 -- About 23 days later, the citizen who filed the complaint received written confirmation from a U.S. Hatch Act Unit Attorney that a formal investigation had been opened to investigate numerous allegations listed in the original complaint.

May 2008 -- OSC acknowledges in an e-mail that it has begun an investigation.

June 2008 -- A select group of individuals are contacted for additional documentation and testimony.

July 2008 -- The Complainant receives a request from the OSC for additional background materials, which he provides in the form of a supplemental complaint. (The first of many).

August 2008 -- A Washington State Agency acknowledges by e-mail that it is working in cooperation with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel. OSC acknowledges it has received last supplemental complaint.

September 2008 -- investigation is ongoing - over 200 days of legal research has taken place regarding alleged Hatch Act Violations.

OSC confirms in writing that it has all the supporting documentation it needs to complete it's investigation.

I'm looking forward to reading the final report and investigation.

Honest, transparent elections are worth fighting for!

Here's a copy of an e-mail the complainant received from OSC to confirm that the investigation is taking place. I've redacted names and e-mail information, as requested by the complainant. Neither e-mail will work folks. This e-mail is not the result of a public disclosure request and Latte's policy is to not print names to protect the privacy of the individuals listed below.

Media - call the OSC contact number for media listed two posts below if you want additional information.

From: El****, N*****
Subject: Hatch Act Matter
Date: Monday, August 18, 2008, 5:28 AM

Mr. Paxton:
I received your message from last Thursday. I received both the fax and documents sent through the U.S. Mail. Thank you for sending the materials. D*** is out of the office for another week, but she will be returning to OSC. Either D*** or I will be back in touch with you shortly.
N**** El****
Attorney, Hatch Act Unit
U.S. Office of Special Counsel

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