Before and After
THINK before you attempt to drive through water covering a road. People drown in washouts like the one pictured above because they don't see the damage hidden by the water running across the road. If the road is closed, it's because the road has been damaged by flood waters. Obey road closed and cautionary signs.
Thursday: Whatcom County and City of Bellingham set up a joint emergency operations center at 9 pm last night to respond to flooding and other hazards resulting from the heavy rains and snow.
Small creeks and drainages swelled overnight and overtopped numerous roads forcing city, county and state authorities to close them and reroute drivers around the hazards.
There has been no report of injuries, however there are residents sheltering in place and authorities are in contact with those residents to make sure they remain safe.
Whatcom County residents are asked to avoid driving through any water. The force of this water can be extremely strong and dangerous.
Watch out for workers in the roadway.
Watch out for workers in the roadway.
Please be Courteous to workers.
I have lost count of how many times I have been hit with a wall of water caused by a passing motorist who has no respect for someone working in a flood zone.
I'm beginning to think that Bellingham drivers are the rudest people in the world.
Remember, your neighbors, county and city workers are cleaning ditches and culverts to protect property and streets from flooding.
Give us all a break!
Report landslides, flooded roadways or other hazards to the Joint
Emergency Operations Center at 676-6681
Call 911 for life-threatening emergencies
Whatcom County Emergency Management Website: http://www.co.whatcom.wa.us/dem/index.jsp
If you need sandbags, call the county or city. They can tell you where to pick them up.
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