Latte posted an article on the proposed Resolution on July 14th, asking our city council members and mayor to respect the U.S. Constitution and leave foreign policy decisions to our elected federal officials: http://whatcomforum.blogspot.com/2008/07/city-of-bellingham-has-some-nerve.html
House Concurrent Resolution 362 was introduced in Washington D.C. on May 22, 2008. The resolution expresses the sense of Congress regarding the threat posed to international peace, stability in the Middle East, and the vital national security interests of the United States by Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons and regional hegemony, and for other purposes. The text of the Concurrent Resolution can be found here: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c110:hc362:
A large number of Bellingham citizens are angry that the city is sending a copy of the city's controversial Resolution to Washington D.C., without acknowledging that many Bellingham residents disagree with the City's cheeky action. Some have even called it "subversive." http://www.wallywonderswhy.com/?0p=1249
So, what can private citizens do to let our federal representatives and the President know that the City of Bellingham does not speak for them on this issue?
Write a letter or send an e-mail to your Federal Representative or President Bush informing him/her that the City of Bellingham does not represent you on this matter. Briefly describe your position on the issue. Remember to be polite - manners and the practice of civility are important in the world of politics. Rude, or inappropriate communications will not be taken seriously by elected officials or their staff.
Despite the city's claims, the White House is easy to contact.
Contact information below:
Contacting the White House [En EspaƱol]
Mailing Address:
President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Phone Numbers for Comments:
TTY/TDD Comments: (202)-456-6213
Please send your comments to comments@whitehouse.gov.
Message from White House: Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House cannot respond to every message. For further up-to-date information on Presidential initiatives, current events, and topics of interest to you, please continue to use the White House website.
Note: Please submit messages in text format only. This inbox is unable to receive e-mails that contain graphics or attachments. After it arrives, you will receive an e-mail confirmation indicating successful delivery.
Example of a letter to the President from a state elected official. (Perhaps this will help our backward city councilors and mayor understand their role as local elected officials and the etiquette traditionally used by elected officials when contacting the President of the United States to voice an opinion). http://nonais.org/sampleletters/KirkPearsonBushLetr.pdf
Sample letters to the President: (floating around the internet).
Sample letters regarding the separation of India's civilian and strategic nuclear assets: http://www.usindiafriendship.net/congress1/nuclearagreement.htm
Sample letter on other issues: http://www.csupomona.edu/~ddwills/writing/Dear%20President%20Bush.html
White House website: http://www.whitehouse.gov/president/
Write your Congressional Representative: https://forms.house.gov/wyr/welcome.shtml
Write your Senator: http://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/general/one_item_and_teasers/contacting.htm
Now, that wasn't hard, was it?:)
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