Sunday, April 6, 2008

How Many Homes will a 2.5 Million Gallon Reservoir Serve?

It's Contest Time!

How Many Brand New Homes will the City's new 2.5 Million Gallon Yew Street Reservoir Serve on the undeveloped hilltops overlooking Lake Padden?

The proposed Yew Street reservoir will serve the largely undeveloped Samish Neighborhood area on the hill north of Lake Padden and needs to be located in as high an elevation as possible. The project includes approximately 6000 linear feet of 12" transmission main from 40th Street to the reservoir site.

Because of this, the 12" main serving the new reservoir must extend through steep slopes and/or wetlands.

Geology Bonus Questions: (Worth two extra cups of coffee at the Black Drop).

1. How much water could be released if the 2.5 million gallon reservoir or the 12" water main ruptures during an earthquake, slope failure or other natural disaster? (Hint: the water main will be constructed in a steep, unstable slope).

2. If a natural disaster should happen, which way will the water flow?

Public Policy Bonus Question: (Worth one cookie)

Why would the City file suit to stop water service to the Lake Whatcom Treatment Center (a bonafide essential public facility) under the guise of protecting the Lake Whatcom watershed hillside from future development, then turn around and support unfettered development above Lake Padden? (ok, two cookies --and two asprin).

* The City lists this future "Essential Public Facility" project in the SEPA DNS #2008-00002, page 2-11, titled Future City Essential Public Facility Projects with Critical Areas Constraints.

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