Sunday, May 24, 2009

This is a huge energy drain

Well, readers - trying to combat malicious hacking is much more trouble than it is worth. Google and other sites do not take the time to verify malicious claims and frankly, I'm bored with the whole thing.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

An organization dedicated to the eradication of "badware" or suspected malware, in the same way Joseph McCarthy was dedicated to eradicating communisim from America. Doesn't matter if your guilty of wrong doing, all that matters is that you were accused wrong doing.

Harvard, you have some work to do if you want the stopbadware organization to be credible. First, you have an obligation to document that the sites you are listing actually contain "badware"

To list sites incorrectly -- is, well, defamatory...

(P.S. I'm fighting back)...

Here is Google's safe browsing message for GoodCounter (which I don't even use).


Yeah, we all know the drill!

Here's what google analytics said:

Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware?
Over the past 90 days, did not appear to function as an intermediary for the infection of any sites.

Has this site hosted malware?
No, this site has not hosted malicious software over the past 90 days.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Responsible Water Resource Management through Watershed Management Districts

People - no matter where they live, are the key to protecting natural resources

Successful management of water resources is dependent upon the people who live and work on the land.

Washingtonians have enjoyed an abundant supplies of clean, affordable water in a state that historically has enjoyed an abundance of water. But rapid population growth and temperature changes have created unforeseen supply challenges.

Our responsibility as citizens is to share our water supply and to use it carefully so there is enough water for farming, energy, recreation, fish and building the state's economy.

Those closest to the land, including landowners, farmers, local governments, special districts and the Washington State Department of Ecology have a responsibility to plan and manage surface and ground water resources efficiently.

Our state already has many successes on finding new and effective ways of managing water. One tool is Watershed Management Planning, with emphasis on careful management of individual drainage basins.

What is a Watershed Improvement District?

In 2003, the Bertrand Watershed Improvement District (WID) was formed as an irrigation district by votes proportionate to the number of acres owned.

The WID provides local organization of water management within the drainage basin. Parcels under 2.5 acres, tax exempt parcels and City of Lynden owned parcels were tax exempt.

The WID allows property owners and regulators to develop and fund projects that are designed to improve fish habitat, instream flows, irrigation efficiency and to address non-permitted surface and groundwater withdrawals. The result: a healthier watershed.

Who is involved in WIDs?

In addition to the Bertrand Creek Watershed Management District, the Nooksack Recovery Team (NRT), Whatcom County, The Whatcom Conservation District, the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association, the Washington State Department of Ecology, the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife and Lummi Natural Resources and the Nooksack Tribe are providing technical, funding and restoration activities in Bertrand and other watersheds.

How does one go about forming a Watershed Management District?

Here is a copy of the Whatcom County Resolution that was adopted to create the North Lynden Watershed Improvement District in 2007.
Whatcom County, WA Resolution No. 2007-054 North Lynden Watershed ...

For additional information about the Bertrand Watershed Improvement District, please visit

There are several excellent resource sites listed on the Internet and at the WRIA 1 website:

Comments welcome until May 28th to improve Government Transparency and participation


Yesterday was the biggest day for Government Transparency since Mike Klein and I started the Sunlight Foundation in 2006.

The new administration did two unprecedented things: 1. Launched - the first-ever catalog of federal data being made freely (and easily) available to citizens 2. Launched the Open Government Initiative and asked us for our best ideas in creating a more transparent, participatory government

One of President Obama's first acts when he took office was to commit his administration to the guiding principles of transparency, participation, and collaboration, and now they are calling on all of us to help shape that commitment - starting immediately.

The bad news is that our time frame is short - we only have till next Thursday, May 28, to submit our ideas for this first "brainstorming" phase of the initiative.

The good news: Sunlight has a great headstart. Months ago, we launched Our Open Government List (OOGL) and you responded in force with your ideas. So we got a little innovative. I've asked the folks in Sunlight Labs come up with a quick way to see your ideas from OOGL right next to the submission form on the page for the Open Government dialogue. Add your ideas and vote the best ones up or down on the Open Government

Dialogue form.

Now's our chance to get our ideas directly to people who can implement them. Let's not miss this.We'll continue to keep you up to date over the next few weeks as this exciting three step process unfolds. Thank you all for your invaluable contribution to this movement and for ensuring our government serves us the way that was always intended.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I will be taking a short sabbatical from Latte Republic to research and write a book.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Washington Coalition for Open Government calls for Nominations for James Anderson Award

Call For Nominations 2009

James Andersen Award:
Honoring an individual or organization that has done something extraordinary to advance the efforts of the Washington Coalition for Open Government.

Nomination form available onlie at:

Deadline for James Andersen Award nominations is June 30, 2009.

Save the Date:
The award ceremony will be held on Friday, September 18, 2009

For more information:
Phone: 206.782.0393

Western at the Waterfront -

Land locked Western Washington University (WWU) is seeking a future presence on Bellingham's Waterfront. As with most projects, funding is the key to success.

Background Information:

The 2007-09 state operating budget includes a number of notable Western funding requests, including $1 million to facilitate Western’s continuing waterfront planning and development efforts with the City of Bellingham and the Port of Bellingham.

Western's projected 10 year Capital Plan:

Western Washington University Proposed 2009-19 Ten-Year Capital Plan

The University has prepared a Slide presentation of Western's proposed development on Bellingham Waterfront:

Additional Background information:

Western Washington University Budget(s)

WWU 2007-2009 State Op Plan FY


DECISION PACKAGES 2006 (SupplemBudget)

Waterfront --

Border Policy Institute

Planng & Emerg Mgment Track

*2007-09 Operating Budget
Western has been allocated $148.5 million in state operating funds overall for the 2007-09 biennium, which is a nearly 20 percent increase over the current biennium.

*2009 - 2011 Operating Budget:

WSDOT Bellingham Rail Project Status Report

WSDOT Project Status Report:

Posted in April, 2009

WSDOT is working with the city and Port of Bellingham on this project. The cost estimate for relocating the main line along the preferred alignment identified in the study is $10.7 million, which is $5.7 million more than what is currently available for construction.

Site investigations performed during the study revealed evidence of possible ancient fishing activities near the proposed route of the relocated rail line. With approval from the federal government, the BNSF Railway, and local tribes, WSDOT and the city will perform more detailed site investigations in April 2009.

The 2008 Washington State Legislature moved the $5.0 million in state construction funds appropriated for this project from the current biennium to the 2009-2011 biennium. This action will allow local leaders and others to secure additional funds for the rail relocation and roadway improvement projects.

2009 -2011 biennium did not appropriate funds for this project.

WSDOT Overview of Burlington Northern Rail relocation project.

The city and Port of Bellingham intend to redevelop the former Georgia Pacific industrial site in downtown Bellingham for commercial, recreational, and residential uses. This effort is known as the Waterfront District Redevelopment Project. For more information, please go to Waterfront District Redevelopment Project page.

Why is WSDOT participating in the city of Bellingham's waterfront redevelopment project?

The waterfront restoration project includes removing a sharp curve in the BNSF Railway's main line track near the former Georgia Pacific site and relocating the railroad tracks further to the east.

The relocated tracks will allow passenger and freight trains moving through the area to travel at slightly higher speeds.

The End Result
WSDOT will relocate a section of the BNSF Railway main line track.

Project Benefits
The city and Port of Bellingham will have new waterfront land available for development

Trains on the BNSF Railway tracks can maintain higher speeds in the area.

What is the project timeline?

The project does not have enough funding to complete construction. As a result, the Washington State Legislature has moved the state's $5.0 million from the current biennium to the 2009-2011 biennium. If additional funds can be secured, the earliest the project could be completed is June 2011. (Funding was not secured).

Looking for additional information on the WSDOT rails project?

The waterfront restoration project includes removing a sharp curve at the site of a Georgia Pacific (GP) mill. When it is removed, passenger and freight trains will not have to slow down when traveling through the area and can maintain higher speeds. The city and Port of Bellingham will then have new waterfront land available for development.

How can I get more information?

Contact:Kirk Fredrickson
Project Manager
WSDOT State Rail and Marine Office
PO Box 47407
Olympia, WA 98504-7407
Phone: 360.705.7939
E-mail: Kirk Fredrickson

Sunday, May 3, 2009

"Bellingham Concerns" posts Video regarding Mayor Dan Pike's Promises regarding State and Federal Funding for the Bellingham Waterfront

I have posted a video of Mayor Pike and the Council discussing the hasty adoption of the Waterfront Framework Plan at the insistence of Mayor Pike to the right of this post.

Mayor Pike told council that council needed to act "now" if it wanted to preserve state and federal funding for the project.

The Reality:

The state budget reveals that there is no funding, nor was there any funding in the budget for the Mayor's Waterfront Project. (Moving the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks).

Additional research reveals that the Mayor's project was initially introduced in the 2004 budget.

The purpose of "moving the rails" project, as described by DOT, is to relocate the tracks closer to town so that trains can move faster through Bellingham.

In other words, this project is about increasing train speed, not increasing opportunities for Waterfront Redevelopment. Moving the tracks benefits Burlington Northern, who will be able to move more quickly through an area that is heavily populated. According to the DOT, we will have more trains moving through Bellingham as a result of this proposal.

A review of Federal Stimulus fund awards in Washington reveals that the neither the Port or the City of Bellingham is on the applicant list for federal Economic Stimulus Funds, despite the fact that there are numerous projects in Bellingham Bay that are excellent candidates for funding.

In other words, the Mayor stampeded council members into making a hasty decision by providing them with false assurances that funding was in the process of being approved at both the state and federal level.

The result: we have a Waterfront Framework plan that does not have adequate public input and has drawn criticism from the architects and members of the WAG (who was not consulted).

Not a very good start for Bellingham's Waterfront!

Link to Bellingham Concerns video:

City of Bellingham City Council Meeting Agendas, minutes and videos:

Proposed Grant and Loan Funding for Water Quality Improvement and Protection Projects, including Federal Stimulus Money

Governor's Recovery Funding website:

Dept of Ecology Funding: